[W]ith the grace of God I changed. I continue to work as a laundrywoman and now have some savings. My community does not see me as a parasite anymore. I have a good relationship with my daughters. They give me pocket money that I use to buy yogurt. I even managed to improve my house; there had been holes in the roof for years. And I was blessed in another way: caring people took me to the doctor and helped me get better. My feet and knees feel better.
It was God who took me out of the darkness. God was patient. He gave me a long time to change and tested me, so now I know how deep my faith is. God showed me love. I was a very big sinner, and he received me in his heart when I started to change. Now I go to church every Sunday. I feel more freedom in my life.
Temptation will never disappear in this world. So, my dear, put your life in the hand of God because, trust me, there can be miracles when you believe.