Leah Chase, the famed New Orleans chef and inspiration for a classic children’s animated movie, has fed musicians, Presidents, and countless visitors in her restaurant Dooky Chase’s. In this audio clip, she expounds on the importance of work and some of what it has taught her. There’s so much to do in this world, you don’t have time to do nothing, you know? Even if you retire, you should have something you could get involved with, you know? Do something. But in this world you don’t have time to sit down and do nothing. I couldn’t do that all day, I would go crazy. So, this is my life. I come in here and I cook and I talk to people all day long and that makes me happy. Nothing like people. People are the most important thing. All walks of life, people, different kinds of people, you talk to and you can learn something. You always learn something every day. Little children come, you can learn from them. As far as little children today, they’re so smart I’m afraid of them. [laughter] I’m afraid of them. So, it’s fun.


Joe Schneider

I met her on a blind date. One blind date, and we just walked in for life! They talk about love at first sight. Well I’ll tell ya—that was it! She was the girl I didn’t even know I was looking for until I saw her. It was God’s gift. A lot of people say,…


Alice Waua Mwololo

My passion is making baskets out of beads and jewelry. I also make rosaries. I work from my house. I cannot afford to rent a shop. My clients come to the house to buy what they want. However, during the day, I hawk my wares around the area I live in. People love beaded jewelry,…


María Dolores de Guevara Ribadas

My parents would make everything stretch like a piece of gum. I remember my parents having only bread soup for dinner from the leftover ration bread. Even in this situation, my mother would share with an old lady who often came to beg. Despite what this might look like, there was always happiness at home.…


Carlos E. Obando

I grew up without a dad. We went through a lot with my parents’ divorce. When I came to the United States, I was bleeding all over the place. But I didn’t want to recognize it. It was very easy for me to love somebody, but it was extremely difficult to be loved by somebody.…


Andrea Mendoza Chiviliú

I create traditional fabrics that I sell to tourists who visit the town I live in. My mother taught me how to work with fabrics. She used to tell me I should learn to work so that I could cover the family expenses when I got married. My work did help my husband and me…


Kerry Egan

Six years ago, I met Jim. I was his hospice chaplain. At our first meeting, he told me he had a message to get out to thousands of people. ‘I know what it feels like when the Holy Spirit has a job for me,’ he said. ‘I’ve got to get a message out, but how…