Six years ago, I met Jim. I was his hospice chaplain. At our first meeting, he told me he had a message to get out to thousands of people. ‘I know what it feels like when the Holy Spirit has a job for me,’ he said. ‘I’ve got to get a message out, but how can I do it when I can’t even get out of this recliner?’
‘The world needs to know that there are people out there who love you so much that they’ll take care of you when you’re sick. They need to know that the love is stronger than the sickness, stronger than the dying.’
This is something I’ve heard before. I know how much patients love the people who care for them—the nurses, aides, and especially—especially—their families. Patients tell me all the time. But too often, the caregivers don’t know it. They don’t know how loved they are.