I know he will have problems like all young people. But I know he has a father who has learned that, when you have a son, the least important thing is that he finishes college. The most important thing is that, when he has a fever, you are there to take him to the doctor; when he suffers from a broken heart, you are there to give him your support. And when you are not there anymore, you have left him an inheritance—an education—that will give him opportunities. I think being a parent is the most dangerous and, at the same time, the most wonderful thing.
The poorer and the most powerful in this world, the youngest and the oldest, we all need to be loved. We are more alike than we think. Love makes you suffer, but it always gives you a result more valuable than the suffering. It’s like having surgery: you endure pain to be well. Sometimes you have to suffer to be able to experience joy. You have to value love with all its pain and suffering. Because love is all that matters.